Friday, April 29, 2011

iPhone 5 Release Date Marketing Rationale

Apple executives sit back and watch, probably amused as the guessing games go on regarding the iPhone 5 release date. There are various perceptions and reasons given, why a particular date is likely, from September or early fall, going through to February 2012 and possibly beyond.

An arguably valid point made is that with the various new models being launched and considering the two-year contracts attached to them, Apple and its carriers must plan the iPhone 5 release date carefully. Consumers need the opportunity to take advantage and pleasure from their new purchases, before dissatisfaction is created by the release of a later model.

An alternative aspect and entirely conjecture is that usually Apple update the iPod line during late summer or early in the fall, which motivates sales and begins the holiday buying scenario. If Apple chose an iPhone 5 release date concurrent with this buying activity, new sales for the device could be stimulated.

Should Apple select the fall, as the iPhone 5 release date a further advantage to Apple, would be the time allowed for them to introduce a new iOS beta at “WWDC”. This is an ideal time for Apple to present new technology and it is surmised that an iPhone 5 release date and iOS 5 would represent some Apple innovation and revolutionary changes.

Another factor to consider in the hot pot of this imaginative guessing game is the influence generated by the Verizon iPhone 4 to be shipped in February and the entrance of the White iPhone. This will add fuel to the perception that maybe; consumers will be confused with too much too soon?

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