Sunday, December 1, 2013

My iPhone won't charge now I have updated to iOS 7. Help!

Unfortunately it seems the new software is a touch too enthusiastic as there are quite a few reports of it rejecting Apple supplied cables, Rick Maybury says

A few days ago I updated my iPhone 5 to IOS 7 and now, when I plug it in to charge, it tells me that the lead is not Apple approved and may not work properly. If I don't press ‘Dismiss this Message’ the phone won't charge. I am using the lead and plug that came with the phone. My wife's iPhone 4 charges normally. Any ideas?
Michael Ulliott, by email
This new feature in iOS 7 is supposed to prevent the use of unlicensed and potentially dangerous accessories that use the Lightning Connector, which explains why your wife’s iPhone 4 is unaffected as this uses the old style 30-pin Dock connector.

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